I don’t feel like blogging at all. That’s my truth right now loves. Two weeks post-op from major surgery, pain killers and fluffy pillows have now become my beat friends. Honestly, the last thing on my mind is fashion. It’s hard to post pretty pictures when you can’t even use the bathroom by yourself. A break from the outside world was mandatory. Fortunately your girl planned ahead so we don’t miss a fashionable beat. I shot all of my looks for the rest of 2018 long before fall officially arrived. Every outfit is already scheduled, starting with this beautiful burgundy lace dress.
You may remember seeing this dress in Green a while back. As you know, anything I like I purchase several. It makes life easier since I know the fit is perfect. The small details are what caught my eye. Comparing the black with green overlay to this burgundy and rose pink, this one is my first pick. Against the light background the dark floral design stands out. You can truly see the intricacy of the lace.
Every dart, every seam is placed just so. Even with my petite height, they manage to line up right where they should. Being able to belt any dress is always a plus for me so that addes extra points. Just as before I chose to pair this dress with satin mules. Finding shoes in the exact same shade of rose meant they had to be purchased asap. Some things are a no brainer.
I kept the simple with a fringe earring and my favorite watch. This watch was my first Valentine’s gift from my husband when we were dating. Before then I hardly ever noticed rose gold jewelry. Seeing it on my skin made me fall in love. So much so that our wedding rings are rose gold. Even hubby likes the look of the meatal on his complexion. So here you have it folks… a simple slay.

Dress//New York & Co , Shoes//K&G , Earrings//H&M , Watch//Jacote