How to move forward when you’re stuck!
In case you haven’t noticed, we are halfway through the year. Seems like yesterday we were making vision boards and writing goals. Our adrenaline fueled the first quarter but many lost steam in second, only to come to a hault by summer. Right now you may be asking yourself “Where did the time go” or “Why haven’t I completed more goals”? If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone or out of time. Today, I’ll show you how to move forward when you’re stuck!
Make the Decision

Before we can do anything we must first make a decision. You and I need to decide that we’re serious about the goals we have for this year. I know six months ago you were on fire with excitement but there have been some challenges. Since then things have gotten rocky and you’re questioning whether you even want what you professed. Decide if you really want what you claim. Then you can move to the next phase…
Make necessary Adjustments

Now that you’re sure this is what you want, you can analyze your plans and make adjustments if needed. The goal is not changing in this step, but you may need to rethink your strategy. If your goal is to lose weight and you’ve been drinking smoothies only to crash by dinner – it’s time for a change. Perhaps making time to sit and eat a healthy breakfast is a better way to jumpstart your metabolism? The end goal can still be achieved, but the plan of operation may need tweeking.
Identify Time Stealers

All of us are inundated with daily texts, emails, phone calls, etc that need our attention. However, there are certain people, apps, shows that we can afford to hold off engaging. Either because they waste our time or they’re not a priority. Do you really need to take a call from that complaining relative? The one that shifts your mood and causes you to waste 2 hours. Should you really scroll IG first thing in the morning instead of praying? Don’t allow these things to steal precious time.
Keep your Word

Now this is where I am truly guilty, but I know herein lies my greatest success… If you set a date or a timeline for a project, stick to it. So many tumes I find myself moving a deadline up because I didn’t manage my time. In the end, I failed to keep my word – to myself! It’s never about anyone else. Comparison will have us so wrapped up in another’s movements that we end up standing still. Let’s master being consistent by keeping our own promises!
Celebrate every Win

Finally, as we navigate these last six months, let’s take time to actually enjoy the process. Do so by celebrating every success, no matter how “small”. Did you drink eight glasses of water today? Hooray! Made it to the gym as scheduled? Get it girl! Finished your projects ahead of schedule? You rock! Ironed the kids uniforms for the week or meal prepped so you can free up time? That’s awesome! Whatever it is, give it the attention it deserves and watch your motivation increase.
I hope these tips have been helpful. I truly believe we can finish this year strong and satisfied. Leave me a comment below with one goal you’re most excited about achieving this year!
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