Tag: invitation

You’re Invited

Ask any farmer and they’ll tell you that one small seed is capable of producing a very big harvest. In this same way each of us have the power to plant seeds of faith, hope, and love to the people God has placed in our lives. Our job is to plant, the Lord will send the water.

Last week we finished “You’re Invited”chapter 6 of our You Are Loved devotional. In this lesson Angela shared the beautiful story of her mother Diana’s salvation. Raised by parents who hadn’t experienced Christ’s redemptive power, Diana received her invitation to discipleship from her childhood friend Peggy. Peggy’s mother was a godly woman who lived a righteous life before her daughter, thus teaching her to extend the gospel of Christ to others. In the seemingly small everyday tasks of being a wife and mother Peggy’s mom changed Diana’s life!

  1. In what ways can you be obedient to God right now in the mundane tasks of your life? Working evening shift means that I have more time before work to devote to spiritual, physical, and professional development. I’ve totally been slacking when it comes to prioritizing my time and maximizing my day. Making these changes will also help me be more present at work and operate in a spirit of excellence on the job.
  2. What are some ways God is calling you to be a light for Him in your community? Most of my day is spent at work, thus making this the primary field in which I can sow. I work in a call center with a fast paced, high stress environment. As a result many of my coworkers are consumed by worry and anxiety. More than ever I often feel the Holy Spirit reminding me to be a voice of encouragement and peace. To wisely insert the Jehovah Shalom wherever he is needed. To live a consistent life before others so that God gets all the glory.
  3. Who can you be a “Peggy’s Mom” to in your life? In what ways can you intentionally introduce them to God? As I prepare to marry my fiancé I am also preparing to become a mother to his daughter. My desire is to live a life that shows her how to be a virtuous, loving, spirit led woman who is determined to live for Christ. Loving her as my own daughter and allowing her to see God’s love in action is a wonderful way to introduce her to Christ.

As you can see, all it takes is a seed. You and I have been put on this earth to be living witnesses who can attest to the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. Let’s always strive to plant seeds wherever we go and allow them to take root that God would produce a harvest for the kingdom. Today we begin week 7 entitled “Loving is our Kingdom Work” below are this week’s meditation scriptures along with the memory verse. God bless everyone, happy Monday!



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