Are you truly beautiful or just a pretty corpse? Will you leave behind a collection of possessions or a legacy of love? As we come to the close of our Beauty Begins study these are the hard hitting questions posed to us by Chris & Megan Shook. Psalm 145:4 tells us that “Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts.” From this we see that we’re prompted to share the good news of God’s love and power to the next generation. Also, it becomes evident that OUR story needs to be told. Each of us is the main charachter in the story of our lives. To many of us, we feel our story has too many bad characters, loose ends, plot twists, etc.. However, these are exactly the things that make any novel thrilling! The great eternal author of time is writting a classic concerning you, a stroy of triumph to be shared for ages. Allow your testimony to encourage the next generation of beautiful women.
As I get older, I have began to truly give thought to my direction in life and whether I am really making a positive impact on those around me. Am I on a hamster wheel constantly running a race against time? Are my dreams mere fantasies or seeds planted in my spirit by God to bear fruit? Even now as I approach marriage next year I’m reevaluating my life. Have I gotten so consumed with being a fly fashion blogger that I’ve lost the sing & pray of Sing Pray Shop? I have now come to realize true beauty begins with the way I live, not with what I look like. My body is much different now than when I was a teen. This body will continue to morph repeatedly as I grow older. I dare not place my value on something so temporal as my figure or my clothing!
This study of Godly beauty has strengthened my resolve to live a life of love and passion for others. There is nothing wrong with loving fashion, makeup, jewelry, or even pursing careers in those fields if the Lord leads. However, I refuse to make an idol of those things or allow my own self occupation to pull me away from my first love…Christ. Even as a fashion blogger, I am most beautiful when I am serving God by loving others. This earthly vessel is never more radiant than when I’m in His will, living out the story He’s written just for me! XO – KIRA