What is trust? Webster’s dictionary defines trust (n) as: “assured reliance on the character, strength, truth of someone or something.” Trust is said to be hard to earn but easily lost. However, when it comes to our relationship with the Lord, we must remember that He is not like man. He is faithful and merciful, even when His methods are mysterious. With this in mind, let’s review a few reflection questions from last week.
- How has God been faithful to you in the past? God’s fingerprints are all over my life. Looking back, I can plainly see how He has protected me from unseen danger and heartache. One of the most crucial seasons of my life was during college when my faith and my intelligence was constantly in question. Somehow, God kept his hand on me and I was able to graduate without losing my moral compass.
- How does realizing nothing can touch you that doesn’t first come through God help you trust Him? It reassures me that no matter what I am facing the outcome is victorious as long as my faith is in Him. Even things I don’t understand have to work in my favor.
- Who has God placed in your life to help you through the hard paths you’ve had to walk? All covenant relationships must be tested. As a result my closest friends are vetted and have been a source of strength and love. Also, my parents ate the most pivotal people in my life. Their flaws and strengths are both vital to my development. Godly parents aren’t perfect, just perfect for their child.
Friend, if you’re facing a season of loss, disappointment, or betrayal please know that with God, your story is always being rewritten to bring Him glory. You are not alone and you are not defeated!
As usual, Monday we began a new chapter, lesson six “You’re Invited”. The focus of this week is sharing God’s love with family and friends. I hope you are finding the lesson helpful; feel free to update me on your progress. Here are this week’s meditation scriptures…