Green Floral Midi Dress

Hello beautiful people! I hope your holiday weekend was wonderful, I’m still buzzing from my church’s Resurrection Sunday service. Pastor delivered the story of Calvary from Judas’ perspective (chile… amazing). Hubs and I attended a christening and became proud God Parents; then we ended the night with episode two of Game of Thrones season 8. You guys, I’m truly not ready for this show to be over, it’s one of my favorites. Instead of crying over G.O.T, I’ll just focus on the fashion. Now we’ve all heard the old saying “April showers bring May flowers” right? Today I’m bringing the flowers a little early with this green floral midi dress.

Let me start by letting all my fellow fashionistas know, YES this is an H&M dress sis. In early fall of 2017 I purchased this dress on clearance for $20 (right before the whole monkey debacle). I keep releasing a disclaimer whenever I wear this brand because I know many of my favs have been quite problematic recently. Am I purchasing new items from H&M? Honestly, haven’t given them my coins in over a year and the jury is still out (shoulder shrug). For now, wearing everything I have while they still fit is the move for this season. A resale is in the near future because… weight gain lol.

Rather than style this dress predictably, I decided to give y’all a little drama. Adding green opaque tights immediately makes it more interesting and also highlights the floral design. The soft pinks and creams stand out against the abundance of hunter green. For the first time in SPS history, I wore sandals with my tights – something I’ve been trying to do forever. This was the right outfit for the job, so to speak. These blush sandals hurt like crazy but darn it if they don’t slay!

Minimal accessories and a bold green lip are all I need. My trusty trench coat was the icing on the cake, perfect for this spring weather. This may be my favorite shoot of the season thus far. What say you? Will you be wearing tights with sandals this season? Let me know in the comments below!

Dress//H&M , Jacket//DKNY , Shoes//Anne Michelle , Tights//Target